Welcome to my blog....Times To Remember

I will be occasionally posting my thoughts and things that might interest me...

This is going to be therapy...lol.

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Saturday, February 13, 2010


Yesterday was my "Mom's" birthday...she would have been 78 years old....

It was also my grandson, Andrew's birthday and he is now 14...where does the time go?

Today is my "Dad's" birthday and he would have also been 78 years old.

Boy do I miss them so very much....wish they both were still here...life is just not the same without them....around.

On other news....why is it that the ones that you love...hurt you the most?  That is all that I can say on that subject...lol.

Monday, I am leaving on a mini-vacation....just for a few days..

I hope that I do alright....have been having major fibro pain and right now have another migraine....sucks to be me...lol.

On a good note....trying to stay upbeat about things in my life...it is hard sometimes...

I just have to remember that there are people out there that have it a lot worse off than I do...

I have so much to be thankful for and I thank the "Good Lord" for that....



Mom and Dad at their "50th" wedding anniversary party...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My life sucks at the moment...lol....

Had a appointment to get my "Dad's" taxes done today....

Started looking through my paperwork and wouldn't you know it...I can't find the tax form from "Social Security"....

Had to cancel the appointment...then spent 45 minutes on the phone trying to talk to "Social Security"...

If you have never had the pleasure of trying to talk to "Social Security"....you just don't know what your missing....lol.

You spent half of the time talking to a recorded voice...who can't quite get what your talking about....then when you finally get to where you actually talk to a "human being"....you are on hold for another 15 minutes....

My blood pressure must be sky high right now....I feel like I am coming undone...lol.

Maybe doing some "PSP" will relax me....on the good side...I am suppose to go on vacation on Monday...

If the weather doesn't dump another 20 inches of snow on us....lol.

That is all for today folks....



Monday, February 1, 2010

Things I did today

Well, today made the weekly trip to Circleville...to take care of things for my "Dad"....

Did the banking....he actually got some checks in the mail....from bills that I had paid and they sent the money back....good day for "Dad"...lol.

Stopped at "Elsea's" to pay the lot rent on the trailer....

Now get this....today is 2/01/01.....so you would think that the rent is due on the first of the month.

Back tracking here....every time that I have paid the lot rent...they have got me for a $50.00 late fee...

So today I am thinking it is the first why are you charging me for a late fee? I even asked the lady that....know what she tells me....?

Well, the rent is due on the 26Th of the month and you have a (think she said), 10 day grace period....

I have been paying the lot rent for 3 months now....you think she could have told me this before....I mean I don't live in the trailer park...how am I suppose to know this???

Well, putting it in my calendar on the computer...they aren't getting me next month....lol.

Stopped by the cemetery and visited..."Mom" and "Dad's" graves...that is always so hard for me....I just feel so lost after I do it...

I also stopped at the trailer and went around and checked all the doors...no one has bothered the trailer...knock on wood...hope that the little "hoodlum's"...leave it alone.

Stopped and seen my baby brother "Kenny"...he was busy fighting with "Workman's Comp"...what a mess that can be...lol.

Have already made a "To Due" list out for tomorrow...it just doesn't slow down around here...

Well, that is all for now....you all take care...
